Terry Fox Run 2007 Kuala Lumpur
哟哟,好久没有发帖了,现在就发一发吧~今天早上去了那个Terry Fox Run,感觉很不错,阿Fox Run的广告,就是不懂什么时候,也不懂怎样参加。而我和几个朋友也是昨天晚上才临时决定要去,其实回去的主要原因,是因为看了马来西亚No.1 blogger,Mr. Kennysia的部落格,我转载给大家看看部分内容好了...
"The Terry Fox Run KL aims to raise fund for cancer research.
The run is 6.5km long, but kids can take the shorter route of half that distance. The event is easy, all-inclusive, non-competitive and the route will be scenic and shaded. If you don't wanna run, you can choose to cycle, rollerblade or find other ways to propell yourself forward. As long as you cross the finishing line, it's good enough liaw.
No registration is required and no fees are payable. Of course, it'd be nice to buy the T-shirt and donate a bit to charity lah!
Last year, aspiring ironman-in-training Azman participated in the run and had this to say.
This event is such an eye opener. I've never witnessed the generousity and support of Malaysians for charity events like this. And according to my guess, I never will.
70% of those who came are not Malaysian! I've never seen such gathering of expats and their offsprings ever in my life!
Please lah, people. It's for charity, it's a healthy activity, and you're not even obligated to pay a single cent to take part in it. So what exactly is so difficult?
Unfortunately for some Malaysians, it seems REALLY difficult. Even I had a hard time trying to get my friends to join me for the run.
A typical MSN conversation goes something like this.
Kenny: Hey, I'll be in KL this Sunday, taking part in the Terry Fox Run. Wanna join?
Friend: What time is it?
Kenny: 8:30am at Taman Tasik Perdana (Lake Garden).
Friend: Thanks but no thanks. But I will run with you in my sleep.
Kenny: Come lah!
Friend: I don't think I could wake up!
Kenny: Why not?
Friend: Because I'll be clubbing on Saturday night!
Kenny: ...
Looks like I'll be running solo again.
In case you're wondering who this "Terry Fox" person was, he's a Canadian who was 18 years old when he was first diagnosed with bone cancer. As a result of his disease, his right leg has to be chopped off and replaced with an artificial leg.
While in hospital, Terry Fox was touched by the suffering of his fellow cancer patients. He wanted to help them. In 1980, he made a resolution to run across Canada in order to inspire people and to raise fund for cancer research. Despite losing a leg, the then-22-year-old ultimately ran the distance of 42km EVERY DAY, for 143 consecutive days.
He called it the Marathon of Hope. The photo of him limping with a prosthetic leg, with vehicles following closely behind him, is the most iconic from the 1980s.
Terry Fox died one month short of his 23rd birthday, after he was forced to abandon his run due to failing health.
By then, everyone had heard of the cancer patient who ran with a prosthetic leg to cover an amazing distance of 5,373 km. His legacy led to the establishment of the Terry Fox Foundation and the Terry Fox Run, both of which were set up the same objectives as the Marathon of Hope.
To find the cure for cancer.
30 years ago, a cancer victim with a prosthetic leg ran a marathon distance of 42km EVERY SINGLE DAY. If someone in that position could do that, what more does that say about us who've got two perfectly fine legs?
Today, trying to get someone to wake up for a run is already like worse than getting cancer."
那个Terry Fox先生很令人佩服吧?42km真的不是个很短的距离,相信我,而且还连续跑了143天,4个多月叻,超强的~ 虽然小弟有考试在身,不过看起来这是个不能缺席的活动!这个活动在Lake Garden举行,早上九点开始,8.45集合。为了准时赶上这个难得的盛会,我和朋友们早上七点就从Sunway出发,搭巴士前往Pasar Seni,在走路到Lake Garden。时间算得刚刚好,准时在集合时间到达那里,人好多...
首先当然是去买那件有意义的衣服,可惜我们去到时,普通的size通通卖完了,只剩下超小,小,超大,超大,超超大,超超超大!幸好还给我买到最后一件的M,不过是2006年的,不错啦,也蛮好看的~ 想想,衣服卖完确实是件值得高兴的事,至少比去年好了很错,而且也看到很多马来西亚人,当然,外国人还真的不少~会场还提供了免费的食物和饮料...
起跑前在起点拍张照好了~ =)
本来因为昨晚只睡了3个小时,而且也没有睡好,只是打算走完6.5km,一起参加以下而已,结果到了那里突然很high,所以我们就都跑了起来,慢跑~因为大多数人都用走的,所以慢跑的话,得在人群中找空间,这边闪,那边闪,可能也因为很多人一起跑,真的不会很累~ 因为一起去的朋友都是taekwondo的朋友,所以我们也沿路做了点练习,哈,无聊没事做,有没有人认识我们,所以就...不过也只做了一下,大家就不好意思了~
一开始一直跑跑停停,因为要等女生,不过过不了多久,女生们就说不用等了,所以就开始跑~跑跑跑~到半路,看见有两条路在前面,一个是正常的,一个是比较长的路线,也不懂干嘛这么勤劳,我们都跑那个比较长的~~长的路线人没有这么多,而且上山下山,是有点累~ 不过抵达终点的那刻还真是爽!总共历时接近1个小时~ 总共跑了10公里,没想到有这么多,一开始我以为只是5公里酱,哈哈,没想到我竟然能够跑这么远~哈哈~~暗笑中~~~
会场还准备了其他的小节目给大家参加,刚好就有准备了一大片的poster和很多不同颜色的marker pen给大家自由发挥,爱写什么就写什么...小弟念工程,自知没有艺术天分,所以...
到了十一点多,人渐渐少了,节目也到了尾声,也是开始清理现场的时候了,有不少人都自愿帮忙清理,不过就是有这位身穿印有大大个“CANADA”衣服的外国人,全场算他最勤劳了,除了捡垃圾,还很积极环保,都会把可以再循环的垃圾另外分类,而且到处一直去inspire大家环保,“See, you can do it, it's not that hard, isnt it? Good job, girls!" 看吧,环保不分国界,一个外国人在马来西亚这么积极的捡垃圾,做环保,真的是值得鼓掌的~
清理工作做得七七八八后,听说原来sunway group有提供免费的巴士来回这个Terry Fox Run,所以我们就可以搭顺风车回去啦。。=)
话说回来,这个Lake garden确实是个不错的地方,在KL市区还能够找到这样一个环境不错的地方真的听难得的,地方很大,能候在那里骑脚车啊什么的,还能够在那个Lake里面骑那种云顶有的脚踏的”船?“还不错,而且还挺浪漫的,应该是个适合情侣来的休闲好去处~ 男士们,可以参考一下~ =),最后给大家看看几张那里的照片吧~
总的来说,这个Terry Fox Run真的是有必要支持以下的,是为癌症研究筹款的,为了那些生病的大家,为了能够让大家都健康的活着,应该去!毕竟也不知道明天会发生什么事,在还来得及的时候,也献上你的爱心吧~ 今年错过了没有关系,明年吧~
2 意见 :
好一个terry fox run...